Top 35 Liberal Magazines in 2025
Liberal Magazines
Here are 35 Best Liberal Magazines you should follow in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
1. The New Yorker
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In 1925, Harold Ross established The New Yorker as a lighthearted, Manhattan-centric magazine. Today The New Yorker is considered by many to be the most influential magazine in the world, renowned for its in-depth reporting, political and cultural commentary, fiction, poetry, and humor.MORE Print Subscription The New Yorker
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Publisher Condé Nast Language English Country United States Facebook Followers 4.7MTwitter Followers 8.6MInstagram Followers 8.6M Domain Authority 92 Read Now Get Email Contact For PR Pros: Get Magazine Editors and Media ContactsGet access to 250k active Magazine editors and media contacts in 1500 niche categories.Get targeted media list in your niche at your fingertips so you can focus on running your campaign.Email us the categories of magazines and publications media contacts you want to reach out for your marketing campaign at . We'll share active media list with verified email contacts in an Excel or CSV format.Email us
2. The New York Times
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The New York Times is dedicated to helping people understand the world through on-the-ground, expert, and deeply reported independent journalism. We seek the truth and help people understand the world. This mission is rooted in our belief that great journalism has the power to make each reader's life richer and more fulfilling, and all of society stronger and more just.MORE Print Subscription The New York Times
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Publisher The New York Times Company Facebook Followers 20.2MTwitter Followers 55.2MInstagram Followers 18.7M Domain Authority 95 Read Now Get Email Contact
3. The Atlantic
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The Atlantic covers news, politics, culture, technology, health, and more, through its articles, podcasts, videos, and flagship magazine. The Atlantic has shaped the national debate on politics, business, foreign affairs, and cultural trends.MORE Print Subscription The Atlantic
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Publisher The Atlantic Monthly Group Facebook Followers 2.7MTwitter Followers 2MInstagram Followers 1.4M Domain Authority 93 Read Now Get Email Contact
4. The Week
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THE WEEK is a spirited newsweekly that distills the best of news, opinion, and ideas from the U.S. and international media. The Week brings you all you need to know about everything that matters. More than a news digest - it's an original take on world news as it happens.MORE Print Subscription The Week
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Publisher Future Plc Language English Country United States Facebook Followers 411.3KTwitter Followers 125.1KInstagram Followers 25.4K Domain Authority 86 Read Now Get Email Contact
5. Mother Jones
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Mother Jones is a reader-supported investigative news organization honored as Magazine of the Year by our peers in the industry. Our nonprofit newsroom goes deep on the biggest stories of the moment, from politics and criminal and racial justice to education, climate change, and food/agriculture.MORE Print Subscription Mother Jones
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Publisher Mother Jones And The Foundation For National Progress Language English Country United States Facebook Followers 1.5MTwitter Followers 757.2KInstagram Followers 496.7K Domain Authority 89 Read Now Get Email Contact
6. Reason Magazine
Website + Follow is the leading libertarian magazine and video website covering news, politics, culture, and more with reporting and analysis.
Print Subscription Reason Magazine
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Publisher Reason Foundation Language English Country United States Facebook Followers 617.3KTwitter Followers 287.9KInstagram Followers 4 Domain Authority 87 Read Now Get Email Contact
7. The Progressive Magazine
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A voice for peace, social justice, and the common good! Since 1909, The Progressive magazine has aimed to amplify voices of dissent and voices under-represented in the mainstream, with a goal of championing grassroots progressive politics.MORE Print Subscription The Progressive
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Publisher The Progressive Inc Domain Authority 65 Read Now Get Email Contact
8. Harper's Magazine
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Harper's Magazine, the oldest general-interest monthly in America, explores the issues that drive our national conversation, through long-form narrative journalism and essays, and such celebrated features as the iconic Harper's Index. With its emphasis on fine writing and original thought, Harper's provides readers with a unique perspective on politics, society, the environment, and culture.MORE Print Subscription Harper's Magazine
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Publisher Harperâ??s Magazine. Language English Country United States Facebook Followers 159.2KTwitter Followers 118.6KInstagram Followers 52.4K Domain Authority 74 Read Now Get Email Contact
9. The New Republic
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The New Republic was founded in 1914 as an intellectual call to arms for public-minded intellectuals advocating liberal reform in a new industrial age. Now, two decades into a new century, TNR remains, if anything, more committed than ever to its first principles and most of all, to the need to rethink outworn assumptions and political superstitions as radically changing conditions demand.MORE Print Subscription The New Republic
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Publisher The New Republic Facebook Followers 161.8KTwitter Followers 183.6KInstagram Followers 24.5K Domain Authority 84 Read Now Get Email Contact
10. Commonweal Magazine
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Commonweal fosters rigorous and reflective discussions about faith, public affairs, and the arts, centered on belief in the common good. Independent and lay-led, Commonweal is a bridge between the intellectual and active lives of lay Catholics who seek meaning and justice, inspiring people in their hopes for a more inclusive future for our church, politics, and culture.MORE Print Subscription Commonweal Magazine
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Publisher Commonweal Magazine Facebook Followers 17.6KTwitter Followers 23K Domain Authority 63 Read Now Get Email Contact
11. Commentary
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Commentary is America's premier monthly magazine of opinion and a pivotal voice in American intellectual life. Since its inception in 1945, and increasingly after it emerged as the flagship of neoconservatism in the 1970s, the magazine has been consistently engaged with several large, interrelated questions.MORE Print Subscription Commentary
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Publisher Commentary Facebook Followers 55.1KTwitter Followers 43.4KInstagram Followers 3.5K Domain Authority 70 Read Now Get Email Contact
12. Dissent Magazine
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Dissent is a quarterly magazine of politics and ideas. Founded by Irving Howe and Lewis Coser in 1954, it quickly established itself as one of America's leading intellectual journals and a mainstay of the democratic left. We publish the very best in political argument and take pride in cultivating the next generation of labor journalists, cultural critics, and political polemicists.MORE Print Subscription Dissent Magazine
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Publisher Dissent Magazine Facebook Followers 48.9KTwitter Followers 87.7KInstagram Followers 16.8K Domain Authority 69 Read Now Get Email Contact
13. Facing South
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Facing South is the online magazine and weekly email update of the Institute for Southern Studies, featuring investigative reporting and in-depth analysis of trends across the South. Facing South has earned a national reputation for exposing abuses of power, holding powerful interests accountable, and elevating the voices of everyday people working for change in the South.MORE Format Digital
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Publisher Institute For Southern Studies Facebook Followers 20.5KTwitter Followers 10.4K Domain Authority 57 Read Now Get Email Contact
14. New Statesman
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The New Statesman is the leading progressive political and cultural magazine in the United Kingdom. Founded as a weekly review of politics and literature on 12 April 1913, the New Statesman has notably recognised and published new writers and critics, as well as encouraging notable careers. Today, it is a vibrant print-digital hybrid, and one of the most respected and influential titles in the United Kingdom.MORE Print Subscription New Statesman
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Publisher Progressive Media Investments Facebook Followers 160.6KTwitter Followers 214.9KInstagram Followers 45.3K Domain Authority 82 Read Now Get Email Contact
15. The Texas Tribune
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The Texas Tribune is the only member-supported, digital-first, nonpartisan media organization that informs Texans - and engages with them - about public policy, politics, government, and statewide issues. The Texas Tribune covers politics and a range of policy issues that affect all Texans.MORE Format Digital
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Publisher The Texas Tribune Facebook Followers 165.7KTwitter Followers 308.6KInstagram Followers 92.7K Domain Authority 79 Read Now Get Email Contact
16. New York Magazine
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New York Magazine obsessively chronicles the ideas, people, and cultural events that are forever reshaping our world. New York Magazine energizes people around shared interests, igniting important conversations on the news, politics, style, and culture that drive the world forward.MORE Print Subscription New York Magazine
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Publisher Vox Media, LLC. Language English Country United States Domain Authority 91 Read Now Get Email Contact
17. Sojourners
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Sojourners magazine and Sojourners online publication sitting at the intersection of faith, politics, and culture. Our coverage goes beyond the trending headlines to uncover and explore in depth the hidden injustices in the world around us.MORE Print Subscription Sojourners
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Publisher Sojourners Facebook Followers 193.8KTwitter Followers 105.3KInstagram Followers 24.5K Domain Authority 65 Read Now Get Email Contact
18. Politico Magazine
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Politico is the global authority on the intersection of politics, policy, and power. It is the most robust news operation and information service in the world specializing in politics and policy, which informs the most influential audience in the world with insight, edge, and authority.MORE Print Subscription Politico
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Publisher POLITICO LLC Facebook Followers 2MTwitter Followers 4.5MInstagram Followers 2M Domain Authority 92 Read Now Get Email Contact
19. Vanity Fair
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Vanity Fair is a monthly tabloid magazine of popular culture, fashion, and current affairs published by Condé Nast in the United States.
Print Subscription Vanity Fair
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Publisher Condé Nast Facebook Followers 3.2MTwitter Followers 4.7MInstagram Followers 9.2M Domain Authority 92 Read Now Get Email Contact
20. Monthly Review
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The Monthly Review began publication in New York City in May 1949. The first issue featured the lead article 'Why Socialism?' by Albert Einstein. From the beginning, Monthly Review spoke for critical but spirited socialism, independent of any political organization.MORE Print Subscription Monthly Review
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Publisher Monthly Review Foundation Facebook Followers 26.8KTwitter Followers 27.3KInstagram Followers 4.3K Domain Authority 65 Read Now Get Email Contact
21. America Magazine
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America Media is the leading provider of editorial content for thinking Catholics and those who want to know what Catholics are thinking. America Media leads the conversation about faith and culture by producing excellent, unique, relevant, and accessible content across multiple platforms.MORE Print Subscription America Magazine
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Publisher America Press Inc. Facebook Followers 113.8KTwitter Followers 77.5K Domain Authority 76 Read Now Get Email Contact
22. The Christian Science Monitor » All Stories
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The Christian Science Monitor is an international news organization that helps you see news events as starting points for constructive conversations. We want to be so focused on progress that together we can provide a credible and constructive counter-narrative to the hopelessness-, anger-, and fear-inducing brand of discourse that is so pervasive in the news.MORE Print Subscription The Christian Science Monitor
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Publisher Christian Science Monitor Twitter Followers 77.7KInstagram Followers 14K Domain Authority 91 Read Now Get Email Contact
23. Rolling Stone
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Rolling Stone is an American monthly magazine that focuses on music, politics, and popular culture. Get the latest Rolling Stone news with exclusive stories and pictures from Rolling Stone.
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Publisher Penske Media Corporation Facebook Followers 5.3MTwitter Followers 6.2MInstagram Followers 7.7M Domain Authority 92 Read Now Get Email Contact
24. Washington Monthly
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The Washington Monthly was founded in 1969 on the notion that a handful of plucky young writers and editors, armed with an honest desire to make government work and a willingness to ask uncomfortable questions, could tell the story of what really matters in Washington better than a roomful of Beltway insiders at a Georgetown dinner party.MORE Print Subscription Washington Monthly
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Publisher Washington Monthly Twitter Followers 11 Domain Authority 76 Read Now Get Email Contact
25. The Nation
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Home to tenacious muckraking, provocative commentary and spirited debate about politics and culture, The Nation empowers readers to fight for justice and equality for all. By providing a deeper understanding of the world as it is - and as it could be - we drive bold ideas into the conversation and ignite debates far beyond our pages.MORE Print Subscription The Nation
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Publisher The Nation Company, LLC Language English Country United States Facebook Followers 623.7KTwitter Followers 1.2MInstagram Followers 71.3K Domain Authority 85 Read Now Get Email Contact
26. Slate
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Slate is a daily magazine on the web and podcast network. Founded in 1996, we are a general-interest publication offering analysis and commentary about politics, news, business, technology, and culture.MORE Format Digital
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Publisher The Slate Group LLC Facebook Followers 1.4MTwitter Followers 1.6MInstagram Followers 87.8K Domain Authority 92 Read Now Get Email Contact
27. The Intercept
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Publisher The Intercept Facebook Followers 659KTwitter Followers 874KInstagram Followers 264.7K Domain Authority 89 Read Now Get Email Contact
28. Truthout
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Publisher Truthout Facebook Followers 856.2KTwitter Followers 180.8KInstagram Followers 34.8K Domain Authority 79 Read Now Get Email Contact
29. Jacobin
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Jacobin is a leading voice of the American left, offering socialist perspectives on politics, economics, and culture.
Print Subscription Jacobin
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Publisher Jacobin Facebook Followers 380.4KTwitter Followers 391.3K Domain Authority 14 Read Now Get Email Contact
30. The Baffler
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The Baffler is America's leading voice of interesting and unexpected left-wing political criticism, cultural analysis, short stories, poems, and art. We publish five print issues annually, as well as online content every day of the cursed workweek.MORE Format Digital
Publisher Baffler Foundation Facebook Followers 46.4KTwitter Followers 64.2K Domain Authority 68 Read Now Get Email Contact
31. Newsweek
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Newsweek provides in-depth analysis, news and opinion about international issues, technology, business, culture and politics.
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Facebook Followers 1.8MTwitter Followers 3.6MInstagram Followers 324.3K Domain Authority 93 Read Now Get Email Contact
32. Tikkun
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We are a prophetic voice for peace, love, environmental sanity, social transformation, and unabashedly utopian aspirations for the world that can be. Over the past thirty-five years, Tikkun has been a platform for young writers to emerge as public intellectuals and for established thinkers and academics to posit groundbreaking philosophies and radical ideas.MORE Format Digital
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Publisher Tikkun Magazine Facebook Followers 12.5KTwitter Followers 6.1KInstagram Followers 1K Domain Authority 62 Read Now Get Email Contact
33. In These Times
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In These Times, an independent, nonprofit magazine, is dedicated to advancing democracy and economic justice, informing movements for a more humane world, and providing an accessible forum for debate about the policies that shape our future.MORE Print Subscription In These Times
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Publisher The Institute For Public Affairs Facebook Followers 139.1KTwitter Followers 58.5K Domain Authority 75 Read Now Get Email Contact
34. The Advocate
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The Advocate is the world's leading source of LGBT news and information capturing the political and cultural conversations of the community through award-winning journalism, compelling photography and video, and vital commentary for over 50 years.MORE Format Digital
Publisher Pride Publishing Inc Domain Authority 82 Read Now Get Email Contact
Liberal Magazine Editors and Contributors
Author Name | Designation | Media Outlet | Twitter Handle | Twitter Follower | LinkedIn Profile | |
Jason Cowley | Editor-in-chief | | ||||
Damon Beres | Senior Editor | | @dlberes | | ||
Katherine Mangu-Ward | Editor In Chief | | @kmanguward | 38.8K | | |
Russell Moore | Editor In Chief | | @drmoore | 183.7K | ||
Hillary Frey | Editor In Chief | | @hilella | 9.5K | | |
Bonnie Kristian | Journalist | | @bonniekristian | 5.5K | ||
Jason Russell | Managing Editor | | @jrussellmi | 2.9K | | |
Chelsea Follett | Managing Editor | | @chellivia | | ||
Brian Doherty | Senior Editor | | @brianmdoherty | 5.1K | ||
David Fear | Senior Editor | | @davidlfear | 12.2K | | |
Clara Germani | Senior Editor | | @claragermani | 349 | | |
George Eaton | Senior Editor | | @georgeeaton | 110.7K | | |
Gal Beckerman | Senior Editor | | @galbeckerman | 9.4K | ||
Jacob Sullum | Senior Editor | | @jacobsullum | 9.9K | | |
Robby Soave | Senior Editor | | @robbysoave | 112.1K | ||
Stephanie Slade | Senior Editor | | @sladesr | 15.6K | | |
Kate Lucky | Author | | @katherinejlucky | 688 | | |
Paola De Varona | Senior Editor | | @pdvarona | 1.4K | | |
Kate Mossman | Senior Writer | | | |||
Yuliya Panfil | Senior Fellow And Director | | @yneyman | 744 | ||
Lois Beckett | Journalist | | @loisbeckett | 41.1K | | |
Julyssa Lopez | Senior Music Editor | | @julyssa_raquel | 5.1K | ||
Andy Greene | Senior Writer | | @greeneandy | 6.6K | ||
Jaya Saxena | Writer And Editor | | @jayasax | 25K | | |
Jonathan Bernstein | Senior Research Editor | | @jonbern | 4.4K | | |
Ben Mathis-Lilley | Slate Senior Writer | | @benmathislilley | | ||
Noah Rothman | Senior Writer | | @noahcrothman | 102.5K | ||
Ashley A. Smith | Former Senior Editor | | @ashasmithnews | 1.9K | | |
Dalibor Rohac | Contributor | | @daliborrohac | 5.3K | | |
Ben Walker | Senior Data Journalist | | @bnhwalker | 24K | | |
Rebecca Onion | Slate Senior Editor | | @rebeccaonion | 11.8K | | |
Tessa Suart | Senior Writer | | @tessastuart | 4.2K | | |
Julia Lurie | Senior Reporter | | @julia_lurie | 3.7K | | |
Patrick Reis | Senior Politics Editor | | @patrick_c_reis | 3.6K | ||
Joshua Kanter | Senior Copywriter | | | |||
Joe Rodriguez | Senior Visuals Editor | | @photoeditorjoe | 875 | | |
Krystie Yandoli | Senior Entertainment Reporter | | @krystielyandoli | 8.5K | | |
Mike Spies | Senior Writer | | @mikespiesnyc | 6K | | |
Saahil Desai | Supervisory Senior Associate Editor | | @saahil_desai | | ||
Gregory Barber | Senior Editorial Fellow | | @GregoryJBarber | | ||
Zach Weissmueller | Senior Producer | | @theabridgedzach | 9.3K | | |
Austin Bragg | Senior Producer | | @habragg | 469 | ||
Christina Cauterucci | Senior Writer | | @c_cauterucci | 9.9K | | |
Stuart Anderson | Executive Director | | | |||
Timothy B. Lee | Author | | @binarybits | 42.8K | | |
Juan Williams | Author | | @thejuanwilliams | 152.9K | | |
Sam Adams | Writer And Senior Editor | | @samuelaadams | 39.5K | | |
Jim Newell | Senior Politics Writer | | @jim_newell | |||
Emily Hofstaedter | Senior Designer | | @ehofstaedter | 639 | | |
Althea Legaspi | Senior Writer | | @althealegaspi | 2.1K |
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