Top 20 Fly Fishing Magazines in 2025
Fly Fishing Magazines
Here are 20 Best Fly Fishing Magazines you should follow in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
1. Hatch Magazine
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Hatch Magazine is an online magazine / site / blog / photoblog / etc dedicated to the sport of fly fishing.
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Publisher Hatch Magazine Facebook Followers 53.1KTwitter Followers 22.4K Since Jul 2011 Domain Authority 47 Read Now Get Email Contact For PR Pros: Get Magazine Editors and Media ContactsGet access to 250k active Magazine editors and media contacts in 1500 niche categories.Get targeted media list in your niche at your fingertips so you can focus on running your campaign.Email us the categories of magazines and publications media contacts you want to reach out for your marketing campaign at . We'll share active media list with verified email contacts in an Excel or CSV format.Email us
2. Fly Life Magazine
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Fly Life Magazine is a new cutting edge online magazine currently chronicling the exciting sport of salt water fly fishing in Florida, The Bahamas and on the U.S. Atlantic and Gulf coasts packed with timely features and world-class photography, exciting fly-fishing destinations in the U.S. and abroad and expert instruction that will fast-track the learning curve for fly fishers of all skill levels.MORE Format Digital
Email **** : Fly Life Magazine Team
Publisher Fly Life Magazine Facebook Followers 3.2KTwitter Followers 955 Domain Authority 29 Read Now Get Email Contact
3. The Drake Magazine
Website + Follow is a supplement to the Drake Magazine, a grassroots journal for flyfishing enthusiasts. It was founded in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, in the summer of 1998 on the principle that too much contemporary outdoor writing gives away all the answers to people who never learned what the questions were.Today it includes emerging voices right alongside tried and true veteran craftsmen and women.MORE Print Subscription The Drake Magazine
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Publisher The Drake Magazine Facebook Followers 32KTwitter Followers 10.1KInstagram Followers 50K Domain Authority 43 Read Now Get Email Contact
4. The Mission Fly Fishing Magazine
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Online fly fishing magazine out of Africa. Destinations, in-depth profiles, stories, galleries, gear and more!
Print Subscription The Mission Fly Fishing Magazine
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Publisher Soutie Press (PTY) Ltd Facebook Followers 10.4KInstagram Followers 13.8K Domain Authority 25 Read Now Get Email Contact
5. Fly Fusion
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Fly Fusion Magazine is a quarterly print and digital publication that caters to fly fishing enthusiasts across North America. Based in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, the magazine features in-depth articles on fly fishing techniques, gear, and destinations, as well as stunning photography and informative videos.MORE Print Subscription Fly Fusion
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Publisher Bird Marketing Group Facebook Followers 43.5KInstagram Followers 19.1K Domain Authority 22 Read Now Get Email Contact
6. Fly Fisherman
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Fly Fisherman's angling audience enjoys the most comprehensive and unbiased information on fresh and saltwater destinations, casting and presentation techniques, fly tying, conservation issues and more.MORE Print Subscription Fly Fisherman
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Publisher Outdoor Sportsman Group Twitter Followers 1.6KInstagram Followers 60.3K Domain Authority 53 Read Now Get Email Contact
7. Fly Tyer
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View tutorials, news, videos, and more, related to Fly Tying. Fly Tyer offers more accurate, easy-to-follow, step-by-step tying instructions than any other publication in the marketplace. It also includes well-written articles about history and fly-tying tools, materials, and new patterns. Fly Tyer magazine is the world's leading publication dedicated exclusively to the art of fly tying for all species of game fish.MORE Print Subscription Fly Tyer
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Publisher Morris Media Network Facebook Followers 21.9KTwitter Followers 1.4KInstagram Followers 13.2K Domain Authority 40 Read Now Get Email Contact
8. Colorado Outdoors Magazine » Fly Fishing
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Between great local fishing stores and a number of low-cost fly fishing outfits available online, there's never been a better time to take up fly fishing. Colorado Outdoors, Colorado Parks and Wildlife's magazine, features a wealth of information for hunters, anglers and outdoors enthusiasts.MORE Print Subscription Colorado Outdoors Magazineâ
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Publisher Colorado Outdoors Magazineâ?? Facebook Followers 10.3KTwitter Followers 62KInstagram Followers 206.4K Domain Authority 39 Read Now Get Email Contact
9. Catch Magazine
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Catch Magazine began in 2007, and since then it has become known worldwide as the 'official online journal of fly fishing photography and film.' Catch captures the universal beauty and entertainment of fly fishing in waters across the planet. T-Motion Theater is the cornerstone feature of the magazine. Every issue highlights a new and original video by Todd Moen. At Catch Magazine, we are dedicated to providing you with a spectacular virtual fly fishing vacation in every edition.MORE Print Subscription Catch Magazine
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Publisher Catch Magazine Facebook Followers 39.2KTwitter Followers 11.2KInstagram Followers 18.7K Domain Authority 36 Read Now Get Email Contact
10. Flyfishing and Tying Journal
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Explore the art and finer details of fly-tying as well as presenting flies to fish. The intimate connection between flies, the fish they catch and the people who tie them, is one that cannot be replicated elsewhere. Come read articles about tying flies and fly fishing.MORE Format Digital
Publisher Flyfishing And Tying Journal Domain Authority 15 Read Now Get Email Contact
11. Swing the Fly
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Swing the Fly magazine was published quarterly on 100% recycled paper from 2016 through 2020. Twenty issues in all covered all aspects of the Spey casting and swung fly world of fly fishing from feature articles, photo essays and artwork, to fly tying tutorials and poetry.MORE Print Subscription Swing The Fly
Format Digital & Print
Publisher Swing The Fly Facebook Followers 6.9KInstagram Followers 5.7K Domain Authority 22 Read Now Get Email Contact
12. Angling Trade
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Angling Trade is the only independent media group in the world specifically dedicated to covering the business of fly fishing in North America and has been for the past 16 years. The magazine covers breaking news in fly fishing, as well as product reviews, and it complements the more in-depth features found in the Spring and Fall Campaigns.MORE Print Subscription Angling Trade
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Publisher Angling Trade, LLC Domain Authority 36 Read Now Get Email Contact
13. Gray's Sporting Journal » Fly Fishing
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Gray's Sporting Journal is the original chronicle of fine sporting literature, art, photography, and travel. Since 1975, when Ed and Rebecca Gray launched the first issue at their kitchen table, the magazine has aspired to a higher standard of hunting and fishing coverage. Acquired by Morris Communications in 1989, Gray's continues to be the periodical of choice for discerning sportsmen and women worldwide. Check out articles on Fly fishing, stories and product reviews and more!MORE Print Subscription Gray's Sporting Journal
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Publisher Morris Communications Company, LLC Facebook Followers 7.9KTwitter Followers 235Instagram Followers 6.8K Domain Authority 34 Read Now Get Email Contact
14. Fly Fishing and Fly Tying
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Fly Fishing and Fly Tying is a UK-based magazine for progressive game anglers and fly tyers. Stay ahead of your game with the magazine for the progressive game angler and fly tyer, featuring the latest tactics, flies, tackle and fly tying techniques for trout, salmon, sea trout, grayling, coarse fish, and saltwater species.MORE Print Subscription Fly Fishing And Fly Tying
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Publisher Rolling River Publications Facebook Followers 15KTwitter Followers 2.6KInstagram Followers 2.3K Domain Authority 39 Read Now Get Email Contact
15. Flylords Mag
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We are a group of passionate people about the outdoors and creating beautiful content. We are storytellers and innovators. Explore our picks for the week's best videos, stories, and news from the fly-fishing community.MORE Format Digital
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Publisher Fly Lords Facebook Followers 57.8KTwitter Followers 2KInstagram Followers 381K Domain Authority 43 Read Now Get Email Contact
16. Tail Fly Fishing Magazine
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Tail Fly Fishing Magazine is the voice of saltwater fly fishing. The magazine delivers the best photography, destination travel, reputable commentary, and technical features from the saltwater fly fishing lifestyle.MORE Print Subscription Tail Fly Fishing Magazine
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Publisher IJOBOT LLC Facebook Followers 22.4KTwitter Followers 1.4K Since Apr 2016 Domain Authority 40 Read Now Get Email Contact
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American Angler magazine is dedicated exclusively to coverage of fly-fishing tactics, gear, destinations, news, and fisheries conservation.
Print Subscription Fly Tyer
Format Digital & Print
Email **** : John Lunn
Publisher Morris Media Network Facebook Followers 6.8KTwitter Followers 766Instagram Followers 2K Domain Authority 33 Read Now Get Email Contact
18. American Fly Fishing
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American Fly Fishing is an inspiring, collectible reference of North American angling destinations. The staff at American Fly Fishing takes pride in its commitment to the highest standards of publishing, from timely, informative stories by the sport's most talented writers, to award-winning photography, layout, and design. Each issue provides an insider's look at well-known fisheries and off-the-radar waters, both close to home and farther afield.MORE Print Subscription American Fly Fishing
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Publisher American Fly Fishing Facebook Followers 849Instagram Followers 2.5K Domain Authority 31 Read Now Get Email Contact
19. BC Outdoors Magazine » Fly-Tying
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BC Outdoors magazine has been BC's fishing and hunting authority since 1945. Published 6 times per year, our award-winning and engaging content provide our readers with ongoing knowledge of the great outdoors with travelogues, product reviews, fishing and hunting advice, profiles, responsible conversation practices and opinion columns. Check out fly fishing news and stories, tips and more!MORE Print Subscription BC Outdoors Magazine
Format Digital & Print
Publisher Outdoor Group Media Ltd Twitter Followers 1.8KInstagram Followers 12.1K Domain Authority 31 Read Now Get Email Contact
Fly Fishing Magazine Editors and Contributors
Author Name | Designation | Media Outlet | |
Gretchen Mahoney | Author | | |
Fly Tyer | Editorial Inquiries | | |
John Lunn | Group Publisher | | |
David Klausmeyer | Editor | | |
Mark Bowler | Publishing Editor | | |
Fred Davis | Contributor | | |
Dan Zazworsky | Contributor | | |
Jimmy Goodman | Contributor | | |
Chris Hunt | Contributor | | |
Chad Shmukler | Contributor | | |
Shane Townsend | Contributor | | |
Will Poston | Contributor | | |
Nelson Oxley | Contributor | | |
Rob Mcconnell | Contributor | | |
Todd Tanner | Contributor | | |
Tim Schulz | Contributor | | |
Spencer Durrant | Contributor | | |
Johnny Carrol Sain | Contributor | | |
Richard Wilson | Contributor | | |
George Daniel | Contributor | | |
Lesley Evans Ogden | Contributor | | |
Bob Ford | Contributor | | |
David N. Mcilvaney | Contributor | | |
Juliet Grable | Contributor | | |
Stephen Sautner | Contributor | | |
Tom Davis | Contributor | | |
Damond Benningfield | Contributor | | |
Jon Tobey | Contributor | | |
Mike Sepelak | Contributor | | |
Greg Stohrer | Contributor | | |
Leonard Flemming | Contributor | | |
Wills Donaldson | Contributor | | |
Declan Rogers | Contributor | | |
Tudor Caradoc-davies | Contributor | | |
Andrew | Contributor | | |
Seth Fields | Contributor | | |
Sonny Williams | Contributor | | |
Daniel Ritz | Contributor | | |
Richard C. Harrington | Contributor | | |
Mitch Baker | Contributor | | |
Zack Williams | Contributor | | |
Simon Gawesworth | Contributor | | |
Kait Sampsel | Contributor | | |
Dan Gates | Contributor | | |
Rick Kustich | Contributor | | |
Greg Fitz | Contributor | | |
Trout Unlimited West Coast Communicatio | Contributor | | |
Bruce Kruk | Contributor | | |
M. Robbins Church | Contributor | | |
Sonny Williams | Contributor | |